Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Social Media Glossary

Just in time for a new season of Buzzword Bingo:
A Jargon Refresh Is in Order
by Pete Blackshaw 
Published: September 28, 2010


Well, the end of the year is approaching, and The Official Social-Media and Mobile Glossary of 2010, which I created in January, is already obsolete. A jargon refresh and "social stimulus" is in order -- this against a backdrop of "no-blink" social-media and digital speed. Here goes, and yes, a few of these are autobiographical. Send feedback (or complaints).
Mayoral graft: The all-too-frequent practice of Foursquare fanatics falsely claiming an appearance at a location -- a restaurant, bar or coffee shop -- in order to secure or solidify early major status.

Hash bragger: A person who consistently (and annoyingly) uses hash tags to brag about exploits, exclusive conferences or envious travel. Often uses multiple hash tags.

App rat: A relentless app collector who is known to download apps and then leave them to gather cobwebs. Related to Appotato, a compulsive app addict.

Faux pocket pas: That all too common (and always embarrassing) situation where your iPhone, Blackberry or Droid phone misfires to someone you'd rather not call -- often in the middle of the night. Can put major stress on relationships. App-happy children are also known to trigger such misfires.

Geo crasher: A person so intent on following a GPS-powered map or app that they can barely walk straight. Inevitably they crash into everyone -- in airports, on sidewalks, in ballroom stalls. According to social guru Kevin Dugan (@prblog), there's even a Flickr group dedicated to this.

Brandonment: When consumers un-friend or unlike brands that create lame experiences. Brands that fail to properly maintain and update Facebook or Twitter pages are at high risk of Brandonment.

Instantinence: The uncontrollable, compulsive and usually ego-dominated need to check "Google Instant" for real-time tweets, blurbs or inane comments or news items about you or your brand.

Tag Lady (or Tag Man): These folks have more tags on their blog posts or tweets than followers or friends. These folks never met a tag they didn't like.

Brand stand: Branded social-media outposts that revolve around the website. Facebook and Twitter are classic brand stands.

Trail marker: This person takes double-downs on Gowalla and Foursquare (and more recently, Facebook Places) to spot their trail wherever they go. They are easy to spot in bars and restaurants -- they always have their heads down and are flustered.

Textgression: The curious migration of adults into youth behavior, habits and practices, especially when it comes to texting. Here our language quickly digresses into comedic short-form. R U w/me?

Jack rabbit: A tech freak who skips from jack port to jack port, almost as though he or she is on a mad quest for frequent-flier miles. Jack rabbits are common in airport lounges or coffee shops.

Snowcial: A social-media meet-up in the snow or on the slopes. There's actually a conference by this name, sponsored by Vail/Heavenly Resorts & Harrahs. (Full disclosure: I'm an informal adviser and mogul-happy Snowcialite).

Top squatter: A person who reads, tries or buys anything at the top of the "best of" or "most shared" lists, whether it's iTunes, apps, Huffington Post, Ad Age or New York Times. This person never slips beneath the fray.

Proud padder: An excessively proud iPad user. Known for over-embellished iPad demonstrations on planes or in public. (Guilty as charged.)

Tag stab: The injury inflicted when someone is inappropriately tagged in compromising, unflattering or just plain stupid social "moments." Mostly unavoidable, unless all cameras are "checked at the door."

Four squire: A person who uses Foursquare in pursuit of dates or relationship starters (or who knows what else). Beware!

Password penitence: The need to continually use the "Forgot my password" function on websites, services and applications-often digital overload. (Courtesy of friend John Stieger, consumer-relations leader at Procter & Gamble.)

Like meister: That person on Facebook who "likes" everything. Borders on compulsive. Even the goofiest photos get likes.

Pal purgatory: When you put a friend request on hold, sometimes indefinitely, via Facebook or Twitter.

Spot scrambler: A person who delays or shuffles tweets or GPS check-ins for reasons of safety, security or just plain paranoia, i.e. you don't want the world to know you are not at home with the family.

Wiki whipped: When you just can't change your wiki entry, under any circumstance. Often activist groups, detractors or others will completely own your entry.